Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One Year Old! YeeHaw!

We celebrated EJ's 1st birthday on Sunday!  Our little cowboy is a year old...hard to believe.  

It is incredible to think about what has transpired over the last year.  I have flashes of smiles, sleepless nights, snuggles and so many precious moments. 
EJ is becoming a little person with so much personality.  It doesn't take too long to figure out that he likes to size things up before he makes his moves.  He likes music (which is no surprise) and he keeps us entertained with his contant jabber.  He is such a fun kid!

He has started pulling up on things and seems pretty proud of himself.

He got his own rocker for his birthday (thanks Lito and Lita)!

You can tell we hang out in our pj's a lot...

I am so proud to be EJ's mom!

Whew!  What a year! 

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