Monday, August 16, 2010

Where's the running shoes?

Since the last blog, EJ has learned to walk and almost jog at times.  There is much new-found freedom with this mobility, and some not-so-fun limits too.   A few pictures of the summer adventures...

On our way to Colorado with his Linus blanket

EJ and Tio J

EJ & the Gang

Helping us clean the hard-to-reach places

Having fun "side" (outside)   

First haircut  

EJ and his "Sam"
EJ's vocabulary is growing daily!  There is nothing more adorable than hearing him say "tank oo"!
EJ's other big first is starting school last week.  He has remarkable teachers who are studying child development at the graduate level and are very sweet.  EJ seems to have adjusted well and his teachers and the staff at Sonshine have made the transition easy for all of us.

We know one thing for sure after 17 months...EJ is all boy!!
Thanks for keeping up with us!
